EM - RVU Course - learn to master Critical Care billing, optimize procedure documentation, and other EM documentation pearls.
Side Hustle for Providers: Telemedicine
a step by step guide to get you started making a substantial income by doing telemedicine.
Last Longer and Prevent Premature Ejaculation -
The internet is full of information (ans even more MIS-INFORMATION
on the subject, but which are true and which will actually help you? We will go through the medical knowledge on the subject of premature ejaculation and how that knowledge can be applied to anyone wanting to increase how long they last in bed.
Born and raised in Puerto Rico, completed medical school as an Alpha Omega Alpha (medical honor society) at the University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine. Continued education as emergency physician with St. Luke's hospital 2000-2003 where served as Chief Resident. Practiced Emergency Medicine in Florida and Georgia for about 16 years where 11 of those served as Department Chieft. Now practicing in the St. Luke's Hospital Network.

'My Storefront' with video reviews of health products and other cool stuff you can purchase through
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Hi, I am
Dr. Carlo Oller
A board certified emergency physician who turned his mid life crisis into a life transformation to improve my mental, spiritual, and physical health.
This website is my own journal on my progress that I would like to share with you as I attempt to qualify for the Boston Marathon in 2023 and get into a Spartan Podium in at least 1 of the Spartan races this year.
So before this journey started I was playing a lot of golf. Granted I tried to walk every time I played so I was definitely being 'healthy'. But after 4 hours of playing, 1 hour drive (to and from golf course), and another hour of practicing on the range...I found myself frustrated and sometimes angry and unsatisfied with my time. I definitely did not feel productive or accomplished with myself.
This, and COVID quarantine, pushed me to start working out on my physical health. Even a 30 min workout was more PRODUCTIVE and satisfying than all those hours spent on golf. So I started adding extra workouts and time into this lifestyle.
But it was when my pastor gifted me his old treadmill that I started running on a daily basis. From a single mile to a few miles EVERY day. Then I started to look at races (5ks) to run and challenge myself, this is when I found the Spartan races online and decided to try one of their SPRINT (5k races) even before running my first, I was hooked.
Pictures are worth a thousand races